Imagine spotting the perfect black dress hanging in your closet. You purchased it last month in anticipation of wearing it for the upcoming New Year’s Eve gala. The event is quickly approaching, and one thing is still missing… the show-stopping pair of black pumps! You already have a particular shoe style in mind that will complement your dress. Now you’re driving to your favorite stores (or perhaps internet-searching) because… let’s face it… we love a hot-looking shoe! It’s the ultimate finish of “fierce” to any outfit; therefore, the shoe-game is officially on!
You’re shopping event is already into the second hour, and lo and behold you walk into the store (or hit the scroll button on your laptop) and voila! You’ve found them! You just experienced a small visualization of how those shoes will look with your amazing outfit before the two of them have officially met! Out pops the debit or credit card as your happy hormones, Dopamine and Serotonin have gone through the roof! If purchased via the internet, you know your package is officially on its way. However, if you bought them in a store, those pair of shoes have you humming under your breath at the counter and the customer service rep is humming with you! LOL! You politely thank them, secure your shoe bag, and exit the store as your shoulders begin to dance with a mind of their own!
Commercial Break: Gentlemen… you are not exempted in this blog, as you have a major shoe game also! In lieu of a dress of course, feel free to substitute a debonair suit or sophisticated tux! Commercial Break Ends.
In a small survey of 30 participants regarding the shoe choices above (excluding No. 6), the total results were as follows:
Shoe No. 1 = 8
Shoe No. 2 = 8
Shoe No. 3 = 6
Shoe No. 4 = 1
Shoe No. 5 = 7
Also, each participant was given a choice of whether they made their decisions in less than 30 seconds or more than 30 seconds:
24 decisions – less than 30 sec
6 decisions – more than 30 sec
I believe a couple of factors came into play regarding the timing of the decisions. It is possible that:
With the decisions made under 30 seconds, the person was able to look at the five shoe choices that were provided, and immediately knew which one appealed to their taste. Those that took longer than 30 seconds also scanned each shoe and chose to take their time in determining which one was the best selection for them. Shoe game can be immediate or savored. Both outcomes are winners because the end game was all about the choice… the “feel good” decision that made them quite contented with their results.
Now it’s the end of the year and 2018 is quickly upon us. Question: What if the same hormone that kicked in to find one pair of black shoes, also gave us a jolt regarding “one” goal we want to conquer? Is there “one” goal that you want to accomplish that would give you the same good feeling of satisfaction as a mean shoe selection? If shoe game is not on the top of your list of favs, possibly a brand-new out-the-box hairdo keeps popping up in your mind. Or perhaps a wonderful evening with a special person at a swanky restaurant is the preferred thought.
Repeating: As we move out of 2017, what is “one” goal that you really want to achieve next year? You may have attempted this goal in the past and for some reason, the timing was off. Is it a brand-new goal altogether? A new job or career? College degree? Spending more time with a particular family member? Moving from renting to owning a home? More sleep? Less stress? Whatever goal you choose, it is possible that it will require a new mindset in order to reach the milestone you’re truly after. The upcoming year to master this specific goal “is” yours to conquer.
Yes… a classy pair of shoes for that awesome dress is truly a gift. And one 2018 goal added in your purpose-filled journey has your name written all over it. Both achievements will pay a visit to the happy store of your brain and even park there for a while. Are they 5-star choices? Absolutely… one result will complement your look, while the other will complement your life.
#newyear #newmindset #gameface #letsgetit