Priority One “While You Are Busy Taking Care of Everyone Else, Who Is Taking Care of You?”


Original price was: $21.99.Current price is: $18.88.



When you think of the words “Priority One” from a health and wellness perspective, what does it mean to you? How many of us routinely place the needs of others before our own? In a 24-hour period, how many times do we forego activities that could positively impact our lives and promote longevity? In Priority One, Mary Perara asks the pertinent question, “While you are busy taking care of everyone else, who is taking care of you?” Mary then provides a friendly, but no-nonsense guide to making your health, wellness and happiness “Priority One” in your life.
Covering topics to include: It’s Okay to Enjoy “Me” Time, Pushing the Help Button vs. the Resiliency Button, Declutter My Procrastination and Discipline When No One is Watching, Priority One is an excellent guide to self-care for today’s overworked and overcommitted society. In chapters that read like you’re talking with a good friend while walking on the beach, Mary outlines the significant steps to refrain from repeatedly putting yourself at the bottom of your list, guilt-free!

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Weight 12 oz