How did my life become so busy?
Imagine yourself with a twin brother or sister. Your conversations share the same mindset. Over the course of several years, you’ve noticed that your twin has taken on multiple activities at once. They have a huge daily workload and can’t seem to catch a break. And a separate scheduling system cannot keep up with the demand of being everywhere for everyone. Your twin is experiencing pockets of tiredness and feeling completely worn down. All the while, they repeatedly express to you just how busy their life has become.
Busy? Hmm…what an incredible word. How many times have we heard someone mention this word or repeated it ourselves? Our world has become so preoccupied over the last thirty years, with more tasks than twenty-four hours can hold. Some hate the weight of a crazy schedule while others thrive in it. After all, busy days speed up the clock, right?
But the real question is whether those incredibly busy days are productive or counterproductive. We create a ton of things to do on our plate and still lack time for us. We could even ask ourselves how did we get here? Busy is a word that most people can relate to. If we compare schedules, our tasks may be different but our filled time slots would probably share similarities.
Our heart’s desire is to spend more time with family and friends and accomplish necessary goals. But how do we balance our commitments without feeling like we’ve abandoned one area for the other? If you had a twin who was experiencing one, if not all, of the areas above, what would you say to them? You might tell them to slow down a little, make a few changes and try not to do too many things at once. You’re concerned about the level of stress they may be placing upon themselves… knowingly or unknowingly. They’re on autopilot at warp speed with the mentality that they can’t, won’t, or simply don’t know how to slow down.
Please take a moment, look in a mirror and see yourself staring back at you. You are the twin that I’m speaking of. We are attached to the person we live with daily and the character of who we’ve become. Some of us, are totally okay living off four to five hours of sleep per night, or foregoing any form of relaxation activity. Perhaps a full schedule each day promotes a sense of feeling needed. When we step away from the craziness of our routine and share a front seat with our systematic activities, it may capture a need to change certain areas in our lives. It will also offer visual support necessary in downsizing and reprioritizing our daily commitments.
Priority One Mindset: Yes, this moment can be all about you! It’s a must as you move forward in your Priority One program. There’s always room for areas of improvement in our lives. Everything that you are about to do will initiate great purpose for your program. Let’s activate this moment and modify these areas so we can achieve the most successful life imaginable.
Reflection: What is causing an overload in your life? Is your plate bombarded with multiple tasks that are preventing you from caring for yourself?